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Quote Information & Plan List

We will be pleased to provide you with a quotation for your building or project.

Please refer to the information on the right to provide us with the information we require to complete your quote.

Please note: Total attachment size limit is 9MB. If you exceed this limit all attachments will be removed before we see them. For larger attachments please use the above listed email address. Thank you.

Thompson Lightning Protection, Inc.

901 Sibley Highway
St Paul, MN 55118-1792

Phone: 651-455-7661

Toll Free: 1-800-777-1230

Fax: 651-455-2545

Email: tlp@tlpinc.com

Tell Us about yourself (all fields are required)

Tell Us about your project (bolded fields are required)

New Construction

For new construction the following plans and information provide the best basis for an accurate estimate.

  1. Printed project specifications (if any)
  2. Building roof plan – architectural and/or mechanical showing all roof top equipment.
  3. Any lightning protection system or grounding layout plans and details that are available.
  4. Exterior building elevation views (N-S-E-W)
  5. Roof edge wall section details if available.
  6. First floor plan showing column locations

Existing Structures

For existing structures hand drawn sketches conveying the above information are acceptable as well. Actual photos of existing conditions are most helpful if possible.