Thompson Lightning Protection, Inc.
George Thompson began operations in Owatonna, Minnesota as a systems installation contractor. In 1930, the company relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota and began to manufacture lightning protection system components. John Thompson took over management of the company in the 1940’s and built operations to a national scale that has since expanded to an international scope under subsequent ownership by Robert W. Lindquist and Allan P. Steffes.
Mission Statement/Objective:
Thompson’s goal has been and always will be to provide only the highest quality lightning protection system components available anywhere. This commitment to quality is also reflected in our engineering and customer service operations where no short cuts are taken and long term customer satisfaction is of paramount importance.
All Thompson products are inspected and listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories and are in full compliance with Lightning Protection Institute and National Fire Protection Association criteria. Our UL listing is jointly approved for compliance with Canadian CSA Standards. Our top management has well over 100 years of combined industry experience and all design and field personnel are fully certified by the Lightning Protection Institute.
With America’s finest line of components, we offer complete protection from lightning damage for all structures from homes to hospitals, schools to smokestacks, high rises to hazardous facilities. Thompson’s product line is the broadest, most technically advanced in the industry. Our key components are of superior die cast construction. We are the only firm in the industry offering this higher level of quality which gives much better appearance along with greater strength and better performance of the finished components and systems. Since each lightning protection system design is unique to an individual building, custom components are often needed. We maintain complete full-line machine shop capability to produce limited run, special components to suit unique structural or architectural requirements. To supplement and round out our standard line of lightning protection components, Thompson also offers a wide range of associated equipment and products than can be used in conjunction with structural lightning protection to provide safety from other possible lightning threats. These supplemental items include:
- The “Blitz-Alert” lightning warning system.
- Aircraft and static grounding systems for sensitive/hazardous area.
- Mast/overhead shield line lightning protection.
- Solid copper and copperclad wire ground mats/mesh in several sizes and configurations.
- Solid stainless steel and solid pure copper ground rods.
- R.F. shielding equipment and systems.
- Chemically enhanced grounding devices.
- “Flangeguard” arrester for insulated joint underground piping and a wide range of surge and transient protection devices for any application or system.
- PVC ground access/test wells with steel covers.
Thompson offers free estimates on all projects. Our Engineering/Drafting Department will assist in the design and layout of systems on any type of structure. We also design custom components for unique Lightning Protection or Static Grounding applications. You are invited to submit sketches and data for your specific requirements. For complete design/quote service, please send roof plan with mechanical equipment shown, first floor plan, exterior building elevations and roof edge wall sections. To further assist you, Thompson has a worldwide network of local agents, distributors and dealers. Contact our factory for the name of the representative nearest you.
Area of Operations
National and International
Key Contacts
Chief Executive Officer: Allan P. Steffes
President: Jeffrey M. Steffes
Secretary: Jeffrey M. Steffes
Operations Manager: Jeffrey M. Steffes
Installation Manager: Jeffrey M. Steffes
Executive Assistant: Nicole E. Quist
Comptroller: Nicole E. Quist